Nelson House, Langstone Business Park NP18 2LH


Research based on member responses

The ACPIN membership database

Those wishing to contact ACPIN members can commission selective distribution of a survey or other acceptable material.

Only members who have agreed to take part in research or receive commercial mailings will be contacted by ACPIN. This will be by email according to each recipient’s preference. Numbers fluctuate but there are over three thousand members in total.   A mailing can be split into:

ACPIN region (17 in total)

 Speciality (Acquired Brain Injury, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, Spinal Injuries, Stroke, Other)

 Full, associate or student members

Please contact the Membership Administrator in the first instance for advice regarding pricing. The mailing to members cannot be undertaken until receipt of payment for the full amount (cheques payable to ACPIN) and confirmation of ethical approval, where appropriate. The charges are listed below. A copy of the database application form must also be sent at the same time as payment. Please complete this as comprehensively as possible.

For genuine research undertaken personally by the commissioner, charges are based on their status

 Full ACPIN members GBP£0.10 per name

 Associate members GBP£0.10 per name

 Students who are ACPIN members: GBP£5 for 50 names

 Students who are not ACPIN members: GBP£8 for 50 names

The above commissioners are required to produce a brief report providing feedback on any issues or changes raised by the recipients of the survey. In addition, they are invited to submit an abstract / study summary for potential inclusion in Synapse or for consideration for inclusion in an ACPIN national or regional event.

For commissions by or on behalf of other entities, please contact the Membership Administrator as charges are currently under review for the following

 ACPIN committees or entities publicising courses and other events

 Universities and not-for-profit training providers*

 Technology- and pharma- companies*

 Other commercial companies, including exhibition promoters

 Charities focussing on neuro-conditions*

 Other research centres*

*Discounts available for commissions made by or with an ACPIN member. The above commissioners will be required to produce a brief report indicating issues or changes suggested arising from the distribution. In addition, they are invited to consider exhibiting at, or sponsoring an ACPIN national or regional event, for which discounts may be available.

Please download an application form (Microsoft Word) by clicking the link below.

Application form

Completed application forms should be emailed to the Membership Administrator.

Please note: ACPIN reserves the right to decline any mailing request without explanation, though a full refund will be given.