Please click the appropriate button below to begin your registration process as either a Full or Associate Member or a pre-registration student (see the full details of each further down the page):
Not yet a member? – Read on…. What can you gain from being an active member of ACPIN?
- Access to a range of high quality neurorehabilitation focused CPD events across the country
- Discount to ACPIN study days and conference
- Discounts to partner events
- Networking with other colleagues
- Be part of a community supporting excellence in neurorehabilitation
- Opportunity to join regional ACPIN committees and run events with support
- Opportunity to join ACPIN Board
- Learn about regional and national research and guidelines
- Access to Synapse journal
- National and international contacts
Support your regional committee!!
Every member is welcome to join their regional committee and be involved in local issues and organising programmes for lectures and study days.
For further information contact your local regional representative.
ACPIN is now part of the Professional Networks under the CSP. Please be aware, the CSP requires that all physiotherapists and therapy support workers (PTAs, etc) be members of the CSP in order to apply for ACPIN membership. If you have any queries, please contact the membership secretary.
If you are an existing Member and just need to update your details you can do so by updating them here
(please use the email address you initially registered with. This will ensure that you don’t receive duplicate emails and avoid the risk of not receiving any at all!)
The full annual ACPIN membership fee is £40.00
FULL membership is available to physiotherapists and support workers who are members of the CSP. If you are a UK qualified physiotherapist, or a UK support worker, but NOT a member of the CSP, you are NOT eligible to join ACPIN.
Student Membership is £10.00
STUDENT membership is available to UK physiotherapy students who are also members of the CSP.
The associate membership fee is £40.00
ASSOCIATE membership in ACPIN is available to:
- Non-physiotherapy UK health professionals who are registered with the Health Professions Council (HPC) and assistants
- Physiotherapists/physical therapists qualified and living in countries other than the UK that are recognized by the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT).