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MIDLANDS ACPIN: Connective Tissue and Fascia Workshop for Adults and Paediatric Neuro-Rehab

School of Sports, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, Birmingham University
Edgbaston - Birmingham
300 m
1000 ft

Date(s) - 14/12/2024
9:15 am - 5:00 pm

School of Sports, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, Birmingham University



Connective Tissue and Fascia Workshop for

Adults and Paediatric Neuro-Rehab

ACPIN are pleased to offer the above face to face course.


This is a practical connective tissue and fascia workshop which is patient centred and clinically relevant. This course will explore the examination and treatment of adults and children with neurological impairment who present with loss of movement due to pain /high tone /spasticity or contracture.  Content for discussion is based on clinical research and discussions will include the dilemma of ‘hands on or hands off’ with increasing demands on services.

Learning outcomes:

  • Define and describe functions of C.T. and fascia.
  • Discuss the relevance of C.T. and fascia in clinical practice.
  • Discuss and evaluate current research.
  • Palpate the skin and superficial fascia – learn a range of basic fascial mobilisation and release techniques with clinical reasoning which will allow you access to the deeper tissues.  Observe changes in yourself and colleagues.
  • Practice five techniques that can be used in all therapeutic settings, including the community.
  • Reflect on own assessment strategies and treatment approaches in relation to adult neurological and general
    rehabilitation. Discuss new knowledge in relation to management of spasticity and low tone/ataxia.
  • Consider practical techniques in relation to soft tissues and management of acute and chronic pain.


Michelle Watson, MSc PgCertEd MCSP Chartered Neurological and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist


ACPIN members remember to log in for the reduced price.


This event is fully booked.

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