Mission Statement

‘West Midlands ACPIN is committed to organising a comprehensive range of CPD and educational events for its members across the region. In order to provide this education we aim to draw on the network of specialist services present within our locality, including University Hospitals Birmingham, a world-renowned teaching trust, and a range of community services supporting our large and diverse population. We provide networking opportunities, sharing of good practice and promote the specialism of neurological physiotherapy to other professionals, allied groups, service users and students. We aim to support events linking research and clinical practice. Our grants have supported members financially in study and research as well as giving opportunities for them to feed back and promote their work. We are always interested to hear ideas from our members about courses they would like us to host as well as alternative venues across the region. We strive to keep educational events subsidised for members whilst also promoting ACPIN’s work to students and non-members. ‘
Previous Events/Courses
- Practical Pilates for Neurological Patients byJenny Heron and Jess Noble
- Lecture Half a World Away: the Neglect Syndrome Following Stroke by Dr David Punt
- Practical Observational Gait Analysis for Neurological Patients by Ben Ellis
- Practical Systems Approach to the Assessment and Treatment of Balance Problems by Ben Ellis
- Lecture “Social Networks and Physiotherapy in the Media” by Mel Stewart (Old People’s Home for 4-year-olds), Kirsten Holder, Kickstart Media
Case Studies in Functional Neurological Disorders | 9 December 2019 |
Regional Information
Study grants of up to £500 are available to members to support further study or involvement in research activity. Application forms and criteria for the awards are available on the website or via email.
Chair Vice Chair and member for Council Honorary Treasurer Honorary Secretary Education and Research Development Officer Publicity and Communications Officer CPD Activities Officer Regional Affairs Officer | Marianne Hensman Katie Halford Salu Fellows Vacant Clare Mobberly Vacancy Michelle Standeven Vacancy |
To contact West Midlands email: click here